Saturday, May 25, 2024

Roy Hazelwood & Stephen G. Michaud - Dark Dreams

Disturbing book written by two FBI profilers in which they analyze perverted maniacs, serial killers, sexual sadists and the like. Each chapter is dedicated to different crime type and is given example from different murders. Authors discuss how this people look quite like us, but I disagree by saying that most of them are such wretched souls, auto mechanics, repairmen and they are certainly observable by keen mind. All in all, very exciting and informative book, winner of Edgar Fact Crime Award which will certainly interest crime fiction lovers.

The Belly Of An Architect (1987)

This is good thriller by Peter Greenaway, director famous for his painterly technique, in which renowned architect comes to Rome with his wife in order to present his work. But in the course of visit he is tortured by inexplicable stomach pain and his wife adultery with some Italian snobbish playboy. As the movie progresses, he is certain that someone poisoned him, and in the end, when people are gathered for his speech, he climbs at the top of the building and kills himself. Confident direction, good actors and great score make this movie worthwhile.

Joel Townsley Rogers - The Red Right Hand

This is classic piece of crime fiction which may be overlooked today. It is a haunting psychological thriller that delivers an unsettling an...