Monday, June 19, 2023

Tyler Cross


Predictable comic about invincible gangster, but great artwork and lots of violence make up for it.

Stray Bullets

Great collection of short comedy crime stories about drug dealers, murderers, psychopaths, maniacs, corrupt cops, fucked up husbands, crazy women, alcoholics, junkies, juvenile delinquents and all other scum you can think of. Artwork is simple without too much artistic ejaculation and it serves well illustrating these funny and dark stories.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Slaine - The Horned God

Great dark fantasy comic book about Slaine, barbarian clearly inspired by Conan, who wants to become new horned god and unite tribes against their enemies. Story is quite good and draw inspiration from celtic mythology, but that is overshadowed by brilliant Bisley's artwork.

Épopées fantastiques

Very good fantasy comic with somewhat confusing story about who is killing who and why, but exceptional art makes up for it.


Since its inception this dark fantasy manga aimed for young adult readers achieved cult status, influencing many video games, comics, and spawning several anime series. Set in european medieval time, it's story about black knight Guts and his adversary Griffith. Guts was born by some unknown woman who died under a tree surrounded by dead people when mercenary leader rescued him. As he grew up he becomes capable warrior carrying huge sword, but after betrayal he kills his savior and joins Griffith's Band Of The Hawk mercenary army. Griffith is fascinating character and in one episode is almost defeated by Guts in a duel. But after some time Gods of the world (clearly influenced by Hellraiser movie) take Griffith as one of his own, who sacrifice his friends along with Guts. From that time Guts travels alone slaying hundreds of monsters and Apostles, very powerful warriors who sold their soul to the Gods in his ultimate goal to kill Griffith who was his friend. Comic itself starts good but after awhile becomes tedious bore.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

5 is the perfect number

Very good Italian comic by Igort, about napoli mafia. Very unusual artwork and good story filled with lots of action and suspence.

Carlos Gardel

Very good comic about famous singer Carlos Gardel, author of many popular tango songs. He is a man of mystery in a kind of way, for there are disputes about his nationality and birth date. Comic itself doesn't offer realistic portrayal of him, but in artistic sense shows how he became Argentinian national hero when he died in aeroplane crash. Carlos loved only his mother, and is believed that he had only one lover. There are some conspiracy theories that he was assasinated. As always, Carlos Sampayo artwork is excellent and there are indeed some fascinating images.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Noir Burlesque

This comic book by Enrico Marini is full of old cliches about tough gangster pursuing his lost love who ran away to become dancer and married big time mobster, but artwork is very nice and menacing, perfectly recreating look of old noir movies.


Posle dva dana odmora na Kajmanskim ostrvima ušao sam u kancelariju i zatekao je potpuno razvaljenu, sa mojom čistačicom Lolom mrtvom na kauču, sa dva metka prostreljena kroz grudi. Potresen, popio sam tri bromazepama i jedno pivo, pa seo na stolicu pokraj razvaljenog stola. Moja čistačice Lola...tako divna osoba...neko će morati da plati za ovo, razmišljao sam dok sam pio pivo. Nisam tražio pomoć detektiva i Nataše, jer sam hteo sam da osvetim smrt Lole. Nekoliko dana sam patio i kad je sahrana završena na kojoj su se skupile mnoge svrake i pacovi, vratio sam se u kancelariju i okrenuo Ivanu, staru kurvu. Posle nekoliko trenutaka javila se.

-Znaš li ko je ubio Lolu?

-Ne smem da pričam preko telefona. Dođi kod mene.

Prekinula je vezu. Osećao sam neku zamku pripremljenu za mene, ubacio beretu u kaput i spustivši se stepenicama izašao na parking i pokrenuo dodge charger. Vozeći bulevarom revolucije primetio sam kako me prati crveni buick skylark. Primicao se velikom brzinom. Ubrzao sam i na vreme zakočio tako da je bjuik udario u kamion za prevoz hemijskih materija. Zaokrenuo sam i krenuo dalje do Ivane.

Stan je bio zatamnjen i zagušen. Ivana je prekrštenih nogu sedela na fotelji pušeći slim cigaretu. Sa zvučnika je treštao neki stoner rok.

-Pozdrav, Čede. Sedi. Žao mi je zbog Lole, sve ću ti objasniti.

-Radije ću stajati. Pričaj šta imaš.

-Lola je ukrala neki ford mustang koji je pripadao američkoj kompaniji za izvoz automobila u inostranstvo. Htela je da ga proda škaljarskom klanu, ali je došlo do nekog nesporazuma.

-Znaš li gde se nalazi ford mustang sada?

-U podzemnom parkingu kod skupštine.

-Hvala ti, Ivana.

-Nema na čemu.

Izašao sam iz stana i prilazeći dodge chargeru dva tipa su me okružila sa mašinkama. Nisam imao izbora nego da ih poslušam. Uveli su me u crni pontiac firebird.

-Odvedi nas do forda mustanga, rekao je jedan od mafijaša. Prilično tečno je govorio srpski. 

Rekao sam im lokaciju i kroz pola sata smo se spustili u podzemnu garažu. Ford Mustang je zaista bio tamo parkiran. Momci su izašli iz pontiaca i otključali Mustang. Iskoristio sam priliku i preuzeo pontiac, pokrenuo ga i kroz podzemni parking odvezao se tri sprata kroz izlaz. Jureći bulevarom momci u mustangu su me pratili. Na raskrsnici kod pravnog fakulteta je postavljena barikada, a među policijskim automobilima prepoznao sam jedan u kome su sedeli detektiv i Nataša. 

-Prođi slobodno, Čede, javila mi je Nataša kroz megafon.

Prošao sam barikadu i mustang se zabio u nju, okružen policajcima sa mašinkama. Bio je to specijalni odred 'Kobra'. Momci su brzo zaustavljeni.

Izašao sam iz pontiaca i susreo se sa detektivom i Natašom.

-Još si živ, Čede.

-Jesam. Kako ste saznali za sve ovo?

-Čede, uvek postavljaš glupa pitanja. Žao mi je Lole.

-Meni još više.

-Ove automobile ćemo zapleniti.

Vratio sam se do Ivaninog stana. Dodge Charger je još bio tamo. Bio je još jedan zadatak koji je trebalo izvršiti. Ušao sam u stan i našao Ivanu kako se sprema da izađe. Opalio sam joj šamar i bacio je na krevet, pa joj stavio lisice.

-Mnogo se dereš i vičeš, stara kurvo. Izdala si me.

-Izvini, Čede.

Izvukao sam bodljikavu žicu i ovio joj oko vrata.

-Ne znam zašto sam te uopšte spasio od Martinovića.

Ubrzo je izdahnula. Ostavio sam je na krevetu, izvukao žicu i lisice i spustio se liftom do parkinga. Dok sam se vraćao dodgeom, sve vreme mi je u glavi bila slika i sećanje drage Lole, najbolje žene koju sam znao, i koju su svi mrzeli.

Need For Speed - The Run

This entry in the series is quite odd, as you essentially race from west coast to east coast, with no free roam, engine upgrades and customization, and story is barely coherent at all. However races are fun, realistic and varied, with desert winds, snow and rocks falling from the mountains.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Classe Tous Risques (1960)

Lino Ventura carries this gangster movie very good as career criminal who after robbing two people got chased by the police with his partner and in the shootout his wife and partner get killed, leaving him alone with his two kids. With help of his old friends he manages to put kids in safe place while he tries to escape from the police from experienced thief, but as most of his efforts fade away and his new partner is caught, he realizes there is no escape from him, so he give the rest of his money to bail out his friend and is soon caught, convicted and hanged. Unlike most movies this does not have happy ending and that is a plus in my book.

The Detective (1968)

Very realistic portrayal of what it means to serve in police department as police inspector played by Frank Sinatra, famous singer and part-time gangster tries to be righteous as he stumbles upon high profile cold-blooded murder, successfully solves it, only to be dissapointed when he unravels conspiracy and realizes he convicted wrong man to death.

Friday, June 2, 2023

P. D. James - Cover Her Face

Incredibly dull and uninteresting murder mystery set in cozy English country side and featuring most boring detective I've ever seen, Adam Dagleish.

Joel Townsley Rogers - The Red Right Hand

This is classic piece of crime fiction which may be overlooked today. It is a haunting psychological thriller that delivers an unsettling an...