Thursday, August 22, 2024



I particularly like grindcore for it's fast tempo, insane blastbeats, vocals which sounds like hell, and short track duration which compresses much longer music into short glimpse from the underworld. Although critics say that grindcore is simple music that is not true, for it takes heavy knowledge of hardcore/metal music. Here I will post some of my favorites. Happy listening!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Cry Of The Owl (1987)

Very faithfull adaptation of Patricia Highsmith novel directed by Claude Chabrol about stalker who is observing some woman. Naturally, she falls in love with him, but his husband is mad about that and in fight between the two husband gets killed while girl commits suicide. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Roy Hazelwood & Stephen G. Michaud - Dark Dreams

Disturbing book written by two FBI profilers in which they analyze perverted maniacs, serial killers, sexual sadists and the like. Each chapter is dedicated to different crime type and is given example from different murders. Authors discuss how this people look quite like us, but I disagree by saying that most of them are such wretched souls, auto mechanics, repairmen and they are certainly observable by keen mind. All in all, very exciting and informative book, winner of Edgar Fact Crime Award which will certainly interest crime fiction lovers.

The Belly Of An Architect (1987)

This is good thriller by Peter Greenaway, director famous for his painterly technique, in which renowned architect comes to Rome with his wife in order to present his work. But in the course of visit he is tortured by inexplicable stomach pain and his wife adultery with some Italian snobbish playboy. As the movie progresses, he is certain that someone poisoned him, and in the end, when people are gathered for his speech, he climbs at the top of the building and kills himself. Confident direction, good actors and great score make this movie worthwhile.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

George Sims - The Last Best Friend

Unusual crime novel about antiquarian Ned Balfour who finds out that his friend was murdered, and in unravelling of mystery gets skin deep into shady, decadent and snobbish world of art dealing. George Sims was himself antiquarian and book is full of interesting observations, funny character and peculiar atmosphere of menace.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Damage (1992)

Very sexy movie about minister who is having an affair with his son's wife, and tragic outcome of that affair. Great acting by Juliete Binoche and Jeremy Irons.

Bait (1995)

Good crime movie about three juvenile delinquents, girl and her two friends who lure unsuspecting citizens willing to spend night with cute girl, but after some time go too far and commit murder.

Secret Things (2002)


I don't remember much about this movie, but I do recall that it is about two bimbos and their adventures with men, and ending sequence is quite nice.

Eaux Profondes (1981)

Good adaptation of Patricia Highsmith crime novel about wife who is deliberately cuckolding his husband, teasing him and provoking him, so he must kill them off as they come. In the end they get together, and it isn't even clear if he killed them or not, but nonetheless good movie with great acting by Isabelle Huppert and Jean Louis Trintignant.


Very good fantasy comic book about crazy woman on her path to discovery, and although story is typical Jodorowsky, artwork is really something to look at, with each table looking like LSD blotter which you can lick.

Friday, March 8, 2024

The Revenge Of Count Skarbek

Beautiful comic book about unfortunate painter who was deceived by the people he loved and who creates perfect revenge. When his nemesis comes into town claiming to be himself he kills him and his once girlfriend and model who betrayed him together with fake painter, and in the end burns all his pictures and leaves, claiming that people dissapointed him and that for now on he is dead to the world.

Without Apparent Motive (1971)

Very good adaptation of Ed McBain's 87th precinct crime novel about mad sniper who is gunning down people on the french riviera. Detective Carella (good performance by Jean-Louis Trintignant) is questioning friends of gunned people and slowly finds clues, while at the same time encountering pretty chicks, and in the end it turns out all those people had a sex party long ago where they molested some girl who is now mental case, and her father takes justice in his hands by killing them off one by one.

Derek Raymond - I Was Dora Suarez

Incredibly filthy crime novel about murder of prostitute. Detective from Department Of Unexplained Deaths takes the case and soon find more about poor woman, how she became prostitute and how she got infected by AIDS, apparently there are some twisted perverts who can't get their dicks up so they have to watch sluts while diseased rats are infiltrating their pussy. No matter how edgy and gruesome novel is, it falls in second part due to too quick catching of the killer, his banal motivation, and detective sudden interest in the life of some slut, but nonetheless is quite poetic in some parts, especially when detective is reading sluts journal and her thoughts are awoken while she's laying on a stretcher.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Poslednja stanica

Stajao sam na autobuskoj stanici posle večernje šetnje po gradu nadajući se da ću uhvatiti poslednji bus. Autobusi, trolejbusi i tramvaji su prolazili i proklinjao sam sebe što nisam skrenuo do paliluske pijace gde sam mogao brže da stignem. Sedeći na stajalištu neki momak me je pogledao i rekao: I ti čekaš bus?

-Aha, odgovorio sam.

-Sad će doći jedan, to je nova linija.

Ubrzo je došao bus. Ušao sam na prednja vrata i pitao vozača je li ide do Zvezdare.

-Ide, odgovorio je gledajući niz ulicu.

Seo sam na sedište i razgledao ljude u autobusu. Imao sam neki deža vu osećaj oko svega ovoga, i posle nekog vremena autobus je išao negde drugde, i putnici su se ponašali veoma čudno. Izgleda da ću ponovo morati da čekam noćni. Izašao sam na poslednjoj stanici. Noć je bila hladna i vetrovita, i ušao sam u neki restoran da popijem kafu. Osim mene u restoranu su sedeli neki momak i devojka koji su se svađali. Ispijajuću kafu, nisam imao izbora nego da ih slušam.

-Samo zato što sam počeo da se drogiram, ti me napuštaš, je li fukso?

Momak se drao i izgasivši cigaretu uzeo čašu i razbio je po stolu. Krv od srče iz njegove ruke je tekla po stolu, mešajući se sa prosutim vinom.

-Molim te Bozalo, nemoj...

-Šta nemoj? Praviš se mutava?

Ustao je sa stola i povukao je sa sobom, lupajući joj šamare, vukući je sa sobom, i u mahnitom trenutku izvukao pištolj, opalio u grudi, i devojka je pala na beton. Otišao je do auta gde ga je čekao drugar i odvezao se. Izašao sam iz restorana i pogledao mrtvu devojku. Krv je tekla po snegu koji se nagomilao tokom dana. Nisam znao šta da radim, da li da pobegnem ili pozovem policiju. Bio sam jedini svedok ubistva. Još je bilo rano za noćni autobus i gledajući sirotu curu pozvao sam policiju. Detektiv i Nataša su vozili bulevarom prolazeći lion i stigavši na raskrsnicu parkirali.

-Ej, jesi video one klošare? 

-Aha, lepo su se nadrogirali.

-I još se smejali.

-Šta ćeš. Da vidimo sad ovo.

Detektiv je izašao iz auta sa jedne strane i Nataša sa druge dok se nisu približili meni i mrtvoj devojci.

-Ti si pozvao, pitao je detektiv izvlačeći cigaretu.


-Šta si radio ovde?

-Čekao sam noćni bus, pa sam ušao u restoran da popijem kafu.

-Daj ličnu kartu.

Izvadio sam ličnu i detektiv, pogledavši je, preokrenuo je dva tri puta kroz prste i vratio mi.

-Šta si video?

-Neki tip se svađao...

Pogledao sam u devojku.

-Svađao se sa njom. 

-Šta je pričao? Izgledaš pospan, momak. 

Nataša je gledala u devojku dok je detektiv pripalio cigaretu.

-Khm..govorio je...samo zato što sam počeo da se drogiram, ti me napuštaš, ili tako nešto. Psovao je, razbio čašu, odveo je iz restorana i pucao.

-Vidim da si uzdrman, momak. Sećaš li se još nečega? 

-Hm...cura je rekla njegovo ime. Bozalo.

Detektiv je pogledao u mrtvu curu i okrenuo lice prema meni.

-Ah, znam tog lika...

Nataša se primakla i dala mi dve tablete bromazepama. Pružila mi je kafu iz automata.

-Gde je otišao?

-Odmah je uskočio u auto i odvezao se sa nekim tipom. Mislim da je krenuo ka južnom bulevaru.

Bromazepam sa kafom me je malo okrepio. Gledajući popločanu ulicu i semafore, neonska svetla i tihu muziku iz restorana, zapalio sam cigaretu i izbacio veliki oblak dima. Brzo je stigla ekipa hitne pomoći koji su odvukli curu i ubacili je u vozilo. Fotograf je bljeskao aparatom dok je balističar uzimao čauru od metka.

-Stamenkovski će imati posla sa ovom curom.

-Gde je Tea?

-Mislim da je uzela godišnji.

-A Čed?

-Nemam pojma. Često razmišljam o njemu. On je stvarno ideal muške lepote o kojoj sve žene sanjaju.

Spremali su se da krenu zajedno sa kolima hitne pomoći, i okrenuli su se ka meni.

-Hvala ti momak. Bićeš pozvan da daš pismenu izjavu.

-Dobro, rekao sam i zapalio cigaretu. Kroz par minuta autobus je stigao i ušao sam, mrtav umoran.

Detektiv i Nataša su vozili iza kola hitne pomoći.

-Andrea Milošević, 19 godina. Živela je sa ocem kod Vukovog spomenika.

-Moraćemo da mu kažemo.

Parkirali su pored crvenog pežoa i popeli se u poluraspadnutu kuću. Lift nije radio, i svetlo u prizemlju se čas gasilo, čas palilo. Sve je bilo prljavo i ružno u toj zgradi i penjući se stepenicama Nataša je za dlaku izbegla da propadne kroz istruleli stepenik. Na sedmom spratu su pokucali na vrata. Otvorio im je gospodin u smeđem džemperu. Raštrkana kosa mu je padala preko čela.

-Vi ste Andrein otac?

-Jesam. Gde je ona? Već je trebalo da se vrati, ali ne odgovara na pozive.

-Mrtva je.

Otac je gledao u beton dok ga je detektiv proučavao.

-Možemo li da uđemo.

Čovek je neko vreme bio zamrznut u vremenu, i pogledavši detektiva klimnuo je. Ulazeći u stan, detektiv i Nataša su razgledali glinene skulpture i razne slike u stanu.

-Znao sam da će se nešto tako li se ubila?

Nataša je sela za fotelju i prekrstivši noge zapalila cigaretu.

-Nije. Zašto mislite da se ubila?

-Njena majka se ubila, obesila se o drvo kruške. 


-Ne znam...valjda nije mogla da me trpi...zbog moje opsednutosti skulpturama i slikama.

Detektiv je gledao sliku na kojoj su bili prikazani momak i devojka. Devojka je opalila šamar momku, a u pozadini mala devojčica je ležala na krevetu.

-Nije se ubila, ali je ubijena. Ubio je neki kriminalac, narkoman.

Otac je ćutao.

-Nemate šta da kažete na to? ne iznenađuje me. Andrea je bila mnogo nestašna, bila je dete kad joj se majka ubila, i moj odnos sa njom nije bio baš najbolji.

-U kom smislu?

-U svakom. Krivila me je zbog smrti njene majke, i bila je u pravu.

Detektiv ga je pustio da se ispovedi.

-U početku je Marija pozirala za moje skulpture i slike, potom sam joj dosadio i počela je da odlazi drugim tipovima. Nisam imao ništa protiv toga, čak ih je dovodila ovde. Pravio sam portrete nje i njenih ljubavnika. Međutim, jedan model koga sam doveo, Monika se zvala, izazvala je u njoj neverovatnu ljubomoru. Nisam je tucao, znate, ali ona to nije razumela. Nije razumela moju ljubav prema predmetima. U poslednjim mesecima njeno stanje se svakim danom sve više pogoršavalo, sve više je bila luđa, nestabilnija...

-Shvatam. Šta je bilo sa Monikom?

-Ne znam. Bila je kol gerla, negde je otputovala, u Italiju, mislim. I Andrea je živela sa mnom od treće godine, ali je bila tužna zbog majčine smrti. Da vam kažem istinu, uopšte nisam želeo Andreu. Jednom sam jebao Mariju bez kondoma i od tada mi se nakačila za ceo život. Nisam bio dobar otac, samo sam je koristio za slike i skulpture. Verovatno je u drugim ljudima tražila oca koji joj nije pružio ljubav.

-Moraćemo da pretražimo njenu sobu.

Otac je udahnuo i obrisao znojavo čelo.

-U redu.

Detektiv i Nataša su pretraživali sobu u kojoj su bile uobičajene devojačke stvari, par knjiga, haljina, cipele...pogledali su u kompjuter. Imala je neke poruke od momka.

-Razočarao sam te, i ne mogu više da te viđam. Možeš da pričaš koliko hoćeš kako sam jadan, ali sve devojke koje sam video stopile su se u tebi i uvek ću te se sećati.

Tako je pisalo. Dečko se zvao Uroš Jovanović i živeo je na Konjarniku. Odveli su se tamo ali prekasno, jer se momak ubio pucavši sebi u glavu iz pištolja. Pitali su komšije u kakvom je stanju bio.

-Tri nedelje je proveo u stanu, pričajući kako će ga ta cura odvesti do groba. Hteo je da se jebe a da mu ne uđe. Klasičan psiho, kao i svi ostali.

-Pa, barem je dobio i jare i pare, rekla je Nataša.

Kroz nekoliko sati dobili su dojavu o saobraćajnoj nesreći na gazeli, gde su se Bozalo i njegov drugar zabili vozeći 300 kilometara na sat. Autopsija je pokazala veliku količinu kokaina u njihovim telima. U novinama se pojavila umrlica mladog momka, koga su pozdravili momci iz bilijar kluba. Bio je dobar dečko.

Stamenkovski je posmatrao Andreu na postolju. Iako mrtva, još uvek je bila lepa, mislio je, dok je slušao glasove mladih cura koje su vežbale pevanje preko puta mrtvačnice.

Detektiv i Nataša su doveli Andreinog oca da je pogleda poslednji put. Čovek je pogladio po obrazu.

-Moje dete...

Okrenuo se detektivu i Nataši.

-Izvinite me.

Izašao je iz mrtvačnice i ušao u pežo. Neko vreme je sedeo tu, pa pokrenuo auto do stana. Skupio je sve svoje skulpture i slike i bacio ih u kontejner, vratio se u auto i odvezao se do šume gde se njegova žena ubila. Sunce je počelo da topi sneg, pretvarajući ga u vodu, kad se čovek obesio o drvo kruške, isto drvo gde je njegova žena umrla.

Momak koji je svedočio ubistvu Andree govorio je dok je Nataša zapisivala izjavu u kompjuter, pušeći cigaretu. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Going Places (1974)

Two criminals, Gerard Depardieu and Patrick Dewaere performs a series of crimes until they meet some whore who they fuck but she can't reach orgasm. They leave her and in the bus encounter woman who is breastfeeding her baby. They suck her too and afterwards follow middle-aged ex-convict who invites them to her house. They fuck her and in the morning she kills herself shooting gun into her pussy. Two criminals find about her son, also ex-convict and together goes to rob some man, accidentally shooting him. Escaping into ex-convict village house with the blonde slut they stay there some time until ex-convict finally manages to make blonde slut reach orgasm. Two criminals depart and steal car from husband and wife, taking their young daughter with them. Funny and brutal, some moralist bitch about this movie, but this is how it is.

Beau-Pere (1981)

Pianist Patrick Deawaere is working in some restaurant. His wife leaves him because he's broke, but as she drives out got hit by the truck and dies instantly. So pianist is alone with his stepdaughter. Soon they fall in love with each other, and her real father finds out about it and goes raving mad. As she grows up she goes with boys of her age, and pianist, although jealous, accepts this and find himself another woman. Well shot and directed with great ending.

The Clockmaker (1974)

Opening sequence of the train and child in it and the burning car make this movie worth just because of it. Beautifully shot, it tells a story about old clockmaker and his delinquent son who never spoke to him, nor does he to him. And son got into trouble by killing some man over girl in factory that she was working. He is sentenced in prison for 20 years and in last scene he finally speaks to him, behind bars, telling him that his girlfriend is pregnant. I expected that clockmaker after leaving prison commits suicide by jumping into the river, but he didn't do it. Anyway, good adaptation of Simenon novel.

Noce Blanche (1989)

Philosophy professor (Bruno Cremer) falls in love with fucked-up teenager Vanessa Paradis. He tries to help her and after some time of happiness decides to leave her, which she doesn't take well, so she starts doing shit and ultimately kills herself in some run-down apartment. Not a bad movie, but low on budget.


Weird comic book by Warren Ellis about detective Richard Fell who is transferred to Snowtown, in which he investigates bizzare crimes. Every episode is separate and it seems he made it as he went along, which isn't bad sometimes. 

Crying Freeman

Great manga about assassin working for the Chinese mafia, who shed tears after every killing because of his regret that once he was ordinary man, before witnessing murder and brainwashed into becoming assassin. On one of his job girl painter draws his face, so he must kill her, but instead fall in love with her and invites her into organization. After that organization is challenged by other groups, and every time they send some monster to defeat crying freeman, but every time they fail. After each killing and mobster tripping there are huge amounts of fucking, and art is really beautiful maybe because it's not full fledged with those huge eyes and shit, and in some sense it's both menacing story and sad at the same time.

Betty Blue (1986)

Romantic movie about young couple who are constantly fucking and arguing, leaving one place after another. Boyfriend is aspiring writer and Betty thinks his pornographic crime novel is superb, so she tries to make it published. After some time Betty becomes more and more crazier, which seems so natural for Beatrice Dalle, and after miscarriage she wents mad. Her boyfriend, saddened by her mental state in hospital kill her with pillow and in the end his novel get published. Although it runs three hours it's never boring because of great chemistry of two actors.

Stanley Ellin - House Of Cards

Ex-boxer is hired to babysit child of unstable woman in strange house and strange family, and previous guardian apparently killed himself.  After some time, poor man realizes that it is a hideout for terrorist organization and must save his life and life of the child and his mother. First part is rather good, but second become little tedious with all that political shenanigans.

Joel Townsley Rogers - The Red Right Hand

This is classic piece of crime fiction which may be overlooked today. It is a haunting psychological thriller that delivers an unsettling an...