Thursday, November 23, 2023

Double Cross

This is story about gangster Sam 'Mooney' Giancana, who was wheelman for the Outfit in Chicago and eventually boss of the organization. It is probably ghostwritten and some parts are questionable, but it's enjoyable read (it is written like a novel). Although very funny in most disgusting way, it should be taken with caution because of the horrible things these guys did. Book is told from perspective of his younger brother, who idolizes him and talks about many adventures Mooney had. Essential part of the book, like title says, is promise of John Kennedy that with the help of the Outfit in selecting his son as president they will be free from prosecution, which old crook of course disobeyed and launched crackdown on gangsters. Now whoever killed Kennedy remains a question, but it surely brought relief for the Outfit. There is also gruesome story about killing Marylin Monroe, and many other disgusting things. Book is filled with good photographs of Mooney and other players.

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