Saturday, September 21, 2024

Personal advertisement

 I had to answer to that personal advertisement, I had no choice. Since I lost my job, money I had quickly began disappearing, and I had to make some way of getting money again. It was simple advertisement.

'Man needed for company for some time. Possible payment, discretion guaranteed.'

When I called him he explained to me how to get to him in a pretty lifeless and passionless voice.
It was some village in eastern part of the country. I wrote down the adress and took train to the village, bringing with myself most needed stuff. While I was travelling and watching hills and mountains, I had no guess what awaits me with that guy. He was pretty shallow in describing the word 'company'. But I was hoping for the best. Couple of times I fell asleep in train, and meaningless words, images and sounds were floating through my mind.

When I got to the end of the road I leaved train and took taxi that would bring me to his house. In fifteen minutes I found myself standing in front of big, beautiful house. I knocked couple of times but didn't get answer so I got in. First thing I noticed was this impenetrable darkness that filled the house.
"I'm here", I said when I walked to the living room. Young man was writing something on his laptop, with his back turned on me.
"You arrived quickly. Make yourself at home. You will be staying here long, anyway.", he said and turned around to look me with his lifeless eyes.
"You must be tired and hungry. I'll make you a sandwich and coffee."
He seemed little absent-minded as he walked to the kitchen. He was talking very silently.
"Thank you. I just want to know what to do in here", I asked and sat on chair.
"To give me company and help me in day-to-day things. Since my parents died and my sister drowned herself in the river, people rarely visit me. Friends I don't have, and my brother lives in the city, and never comes to visit me."
He gave me coffee and sandwich and then he sat by his laptop and continued writing.
"What are you writing there?"
"Little stories, just to pass the time."
"Why it's so dark here?"
"Light hurts my eyes, because of frequent migraines that I have. I hope you don't mind."
"I don't mind."
"Do you want to sleep a little now?"
"Well, I could."
I started following him to bedroom on second floor. He leaved me there and started slowly walking away down the stairs. I noticed some strange calmness in his walk. Tired from the road, I lied to bed to get some sleep.

His hand woked me up. In total darkness I couldn't see his face but I could sense that he was tense and worried.
"What is it?", I asked him.
"Shh! Don't talk. They are here."
"What do you mean? I don't hear nothing."
"Enemies. Every night they gather around in front of my house."
Is this man crazy?, I thinked for myself. We got together to the entrance and I walked outside. There was no one outside, just darkness of the night and moonlight.
"See? There is no one outside."
He was standing on the entrance, suspiciously looking.
"They ran away when they heard us. They do that all the time."
"Friend, you're disturbed for nothing."
With those words I leaved him and got upstairs to continue my sleep, while listening his wandering around the house.

In the morning he made me a list of things that I should buy, so I leaved the house and started walking to the village shop. Nature was beautiful here, perfect innocence and bliss. When I bought everything from the list I returned to the house. I made some spaghetti and we sat on table to eat.
"Do you have internet here?", I asked him.
"No, but I have lot of books, movies, music and video games."
"Do you want to go for a walk later?"
"I don't know."
"Did you lived here from the beggining?"
"No. I lived in the city in small apartment. Job and people gave me a lot of stress. In the end I got nervous breakdown, so I moved here, in house of my dead parents, so I could find some peace."
"And did you find it?"
"In the begining yes, but in time surrounding started to choke me again."
"I guess man can never be at peace."
After the lunch I got out for a walk to see some things. Something about this guy greatly intrigued me. When I returned I ate some spaghetti and talked to the guy. We watched some movie, listened to music and played video games. In the end I walked to second floor to sleep, and he stayed in living room to write. I coudn't get sleep as much as I wanted so I climbed down and entered living room. He was still writing some shit on laptop. I looked up the title.
'Life is suffering-It's better to not be born at all(essay on antinatalism)'

As time went by, young man began disappearing in front of my eyes. In the beggining there were minor changes, his left hand would disappear, left side of his face would be swallowed by evening shadows. But he slowly began disappearing, and I could do nothing about it. In the end he became a shadow, that I could not see, but could feel how it stood by the entrance, in the living room. Shadow that could not ran away from itself, and shadow that I was judged by to live here for eternity.

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Vanishing Poinr (1971)

Good car chase road movie about disgruntled ex-cop and driver who decides to race with his car while police are chasing him.