Saturday, January 20, 2024

One Way Street (1950)

Another B-film noir which doesn't have much sense to it, but then again, which one have? Doctor (good role by James Mason) suddenly got involved with a band of thugs and stealing their money goes to Mexico with his girlfriend. Mean the while, Mobster (good role by Dan Dureya) and his cronies are pacing up and down in a hotel room, finding a way to track Doctor down while he is hiding in some god-forsaken village deep down in Mexico. Eventually after joyfull experience in mexican village, curing all those degenerate Mexicans, he decides to return to his hometown and set things straight. In a shootout everyone is killed, but Doctor remains alive, just to be killed by oncoming automobile. Nobody in this movie is innocent about anything, and some cynic would say they're bunch of people cut out from the rest of humanity, in other words, human garbage.

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