Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Beau-Pere (1981)

Pianist Patrick Deawaere is working in some restaurant. His wife leaves him because he's broke, but as she drives out got hit by the truck and dies instantly. So pianist is alone with his stepdaughter. Soon they fall in love with each other, and her real father finds out about it and goes raving mad. As she grows up she goes with boys of her age, and pianist, although jealous, accepts this and find himself another woman. Well shot and directed with great ending.

The Clockmaker (1974)

Opening sequence of the train and child in it and the burning car make this movie worth just because of it. Beautifully shot, it tells a story about old clockmaker and his delinquent son who never spoke to him, nor does he to him. And son got into trouble by killing some man over girl in factory that she was working. He is sentenced in prison for 20 years and in last scene he finally speaks to him, behind bars, telling him that his girlfriend is pregnant. I expected that clockmaker after leaving prison commits suicide by jumping into the river, but he didn't do it. Anyway, good adaptation of Simenon novel.

Noce Blanche (1989)

Philosophy professor (Bruno Cremer) falls in love with fucked-up teenager Vanessa Paradis. He tries to help her and after some time of happiness decides to leave her, which she doesn't take well, so she starts doing shit and ultimately kills herself in some run-down apartment. Not a bad movie, but low on budget.


Weird comic book by Warren Ellis about detective Richard Fell who is transferred to Snowtown, in which he investigates bizzare crimes. Every episode is separate and it seems he made it as he went along, which isn't bad sometimes. 

Crying Freeman

Great manga about assassin working for the Chinese mafia, who shed tears after every killing because of his regret that once he was ordinary man, before witnessing murder and brainwashed into becoming assassin. On one of his job girl painter draws his face, so he must kill her, but instead fall in love with her and invites her into organization. After that organization is challenged by other groups, and every time they send some monster to defeat crying freeman, but every time they fail. After each killing and mobster tripping there are huge amounts of fucking, and art is really beautiful maybe because it's not full fledged with those huge eyes and shit, and in some sense it's both menacing story and sad at the same time.

Betty Blue (1986)

Romantic movie about young couple who are constantly fucking and arguing, leaving one place after another. Boyfriend is aspiring writer and Betty thinks his pornographic crime novel is superb, so she tries to make it published. After some time Betty becomes more and more crazier, which seems so natural for Beatrice Dalle, and after miscarriage she wents mad. Her boyfriend, saddened by her mental state in hospital kill her with pillow and in the end his novel get published. Although it runs three hours it's never boring because of great chemistry of two actors.

Stanley Ellin - House Of Cards

Ex-boxer is hired to babysit child of unstable woman in strange house and strange family, and previous guardian apparently killed himself.  After some time, poor man realizes that it is a hideout for terrorist organization and must save his life and life of the child and his mother. First part is rather good, but second become little tedious with all that political shenanigans.

Tony Hillerman - Skinwalkers

Detective of the Navajo Tribal Police Chee and FBI agent Leaphorn investigate series of seemingly unconnected crimes on Indian reservation. Indians believe that skinwalker is killing people, malevolent spirit that can take form of any being and control it, which Leaphorn doesn't believe it since he hates superstition, but Chee, being an Indian, believes. Unfortunately, things turn out rather banal, since the killer is director of the hospital who was responsible for the death of some people, so Indians assumed there was some witch in it. In either case, good crime novel, somewhat exotic.

Arthur W. Upfield - Sands Of Windee

Napoleon Bonaparte, called Bony, greatest detective in the world, is sent by the police to town in Australia to investigate strange dissapearance of man and possibly his murder. Bony is half-caste, neither Aboriginal nor Australian, but his methods are unusual and effective in solving crimes. By deceiving people who he is, he delves into strange aboriginal magic and drunken Australians. Good crime novel and very strange.

Peščani sat

Zaključavši vrata kancelarije, sišao sam spiralnim stepenicama do izlaza iz zgrade i ušao u podzemnu garažu. Sredovečni tip u crnoj jakni i farmerkama, crnim rukavicama i crnim patikama, stajao je pored crvenog mercury cougara, gledajući me.

-Vi ste Čed Piterson, privatni detektiv?


-Ovo je za vas.

-Od koga?

-Ne znam. Rečeno mi je samo da vam ga isporučim.

Hteo sam još nešto da ga pitam, ali je brzo otišao, i ostao sam u praznoj garaži punoj automobila gledajući mercury cougar. Otvorio sam vrata i seo za volan. Ključ je bio u pretincu, kao i neki papir sa adresom. Ulica na Konjarniku. Detaljno sam pregledao automobil u slučaju da nije postavljen neki prislušni uredjaj ili eksplozivna naprava. Okrenuo sam detektiva i Natašu.

-Ćao, Čede.

-Ćao. Upravo sam sreo nekog tipa koji mi je isporučio crveni mercury cougar. Možeš li da proveriš odakle je i ko je vlasnik?

-Dobro. Dovedi ga do stanice pa ćemo da vidimo.

Pokrenuo sam auto i odvezao se iz garaže na ulicu, prolazeći niz pošljunčani put do glavne ulice. Poslednjih nekoliko dana su bili izmešani, tako da se nisam dobro sećao svega. Šmutorak, Šreda, Četak i tako dalje. Policajci u stanici nisu bili od neke pomoći, tako da sam otišao do adrese na Konjarniku koja je bila zapisana na papiru. Crvenilo sunca se stapalo sa prljavim snegom dok sam prilazio uz trotoar. Bila je to kućica na uzvisini, tačno preko puta osnovne škole. Još jedna kuća je bila preko puta na levoj strani. Žena u beloj jakni je odnosila smeće do kontejnera. Popevši se gore, otvorio sam vrata kuće i ušao unutra. U odličnom stanju, mislio sam, dok sam razgledao, ali kao da niko tu nije živeo. Osim uobičajenih stvari nisam pronašao ništa značajno. Jedan roman je stajao na stočiću pored kreveta. Zapalivši cigaretu, seo sam na fotelju i čekao neko vreme. Imao sam čudan osećaj kao da ova kuća nije pripadala ovde, i izašavši napolje da prošetam, uverio sam se u to, gledajući decu kraj škole kako prolaze, uopšte ne primećujući ni mene ni kuću. Bacio sam opušak na zemlju i vratio se unutra. U kuhinji sam pronašao polupraznu teglu kafe, stavio je da se skuva. Proključavši, sipao sam u šolju i seo na fotelju, pokušavajući da ostanem budan. Jaka crna kafa me je malo razbudila, i zapalivši cigaretu ugledao sam devojčicu od desetak godina kako ulazi u kuću. Krupne smeđe oči su me znatiželjno posmatrale. Nosila je roze haljinicu sa leptirićima i kosa joj je bila uvijena.

-Ćao. Ko si ti?

-Privatni detektiv. A ti? Šta radiš ovde?

-Simona. Živim u kući prekoputa. Ponekad dođem ovde.

-Znaš li čija je ova kuća?

-Nemam pojma. Hoćeš da igramo igru?


-Pokazaću ti.

Sela je na stolicu kraj stola i izvukla starinski sat sa lančićem. Potom ga je pružila kroz moje šake i sat se pretvorio u prah, prosipajući se po stolu.

-Kako si to izvela?

-Baba me je naučila. 

-Hvala ti. Evo ti bombona.

-Možemo još neki put da se igramo.

Uzela je bombonu i izašla iz kuće. Popivši kafu, izašao sam napolje i prešao ulicu do betoniranog platoa sa koga sam imao odličan pogled na kuću. Čekao sam neko vreme, dok nisam primetio kadilak crne boje kako prilazi kraj kuće. Iz njega je izašao tip, popeo se gore i ušao u kuću. Izvadio sam durbin i posmatrao šta radi. Hodao je kroz kuću, nešto mrmljao, onda zastao. Potom je izašao i vratio se u kadilak. Veče se pomaljalo i mrak se spuštao na ulice, dok su svetiljke jedna za drugom bacale senke kroz drveća i ljude.  Tip je neko vreme sedeo u kolima sa izbačenom rukom, pušeći cigaretu. Pokrenuo je auto skoro besčujno i polako dok sam se spuštao do merkurija. Pratio sam ga sa bezbedne udaljenosti i zahvalio se satani što nema puno saobraćaja. Tip je vozio naizgled besciljno, kao da daje oduška sebi, spuštajući se do gazele. Na semaforu je ubrzao i prošao na vreme dok sam morao da čekam da prođe crveno svetlo, i pogledavši kroz retrovizor dva automobila, krajsler i oldsmobil. Morao sam da prođem kroz crveno dok su me đavoljski automobili jurili, pucajući iz pištolja. Kroz udaljeno crnilo još uvek sam imao pogled na kadilak. Odjednom je zaokrenuo i jurnuo ka meni, dok su krajsler i oldsmobil krenuli za njim. Očigledno su njega pratili. Morao sam da stisnem gas, ne obazirući se na saobraćajna pravila. Izvukao sam beretu i pucao u gumu crnog krajslera, dok se oldsmobil zabio u poluprazni trolejbus. Kadilak je ubrzao i skrenuo u jednosmernu ulicu, potom usporio i zastao. Izašao sam iz merkurija i pošao prema tipu. Bio je to čovek u godinama, u sivoj jakni i crnim pantalonama. Lice mu je imalo detinjasti izgled dok me je posmatrao.

-Ko ste vi?

-Objasniću vam. Pođite sa mnom.

Pratio sam ga niz ulicu gde je nedaleko bilo neko groblje, dok nije zastao kraj motela. Svetla automobila koji su prolazili su bila kao neke mačje oči dok smo ulazili u predvorje. U jednom separeu dva tipa su ispijala pivo. Gusta magla se nadvila oko motela dok smo se penjali do apartmana. Već je bilo praskozorje i čovek je otključao vrata i ušao. Na stočiću su bili naslagani romani. Seo je na fotelju, prekrstio noge i zapalio cigaretu. 

-Vidite, ja sam vam poslao onaj auto.


-Bio je to jedini način kako biste mi pomogli.

-Oni tipovi...

Čovek je pogledao kroz prozor izbacujući dim kroz nozdrve.

-Već neko vreme su mi na tragu. Imam još malo vremena da pročitam ovaj poslednji roman. Tako da ćete morati da pazite na mene, mada sumnjam da ćete uspeti.

-Zašto hoće da vas ubiju?

-Zato što sam ih prevario. Vidite, ja sam ionako mrtav čovek. Tako da nije važno.

Izgasio je cigaretu u pepeljari i sipao pivo. 

-Hoćete li cigaretu?

Uzeo sam i zapalio.

-Možete biti u predvorju. Ima bilijar klub, restoran, striptiz...samo držite oči otvorene.

Reći su prolazile kroz njega kao u polusnu. Izašao sam iz sobe i krenuo niz hodnik do lifta. Spuštajući se, razmišljao sam o ovom čudnom slučaju posmatrajući moje lice u ogledalu. Seo sam i naručio kafu. Pokušavao sam da ostanem budan, i neko vreme sam zadremao trenutak-dva. Nikoga nisam opazio kako ulazi. U striptiz klubu je treštala jaka muzika dok sam prolazio kroz masu uspaljenih ljudi. Cura je obigravala oko motke. Ni tu nisam primetio nikog sumnjivog. U drugoj prostoriji je neka žena svirala klavir dok je pevač izvodio uobičajene pesme. Seo sam na stolicu i neko vreme slušao, dok mi popušena cigareta nije opekla prste. Vratio sam se gore i ušao u sobu. 

-Jesi li završio?

-Da. Došao si.


Izvukao sam beretu i ispalio metak u čoveka. Izašao sam iz sobe, spustio se liftom, prošao kroz predvorje i stupio u gustu maglu.

Friday, January 26, 2024


Private detective is suffering from brain tumor in this grim noir tale of loss and redemption. Old and worn, he is hired by drug dealer to find his daughter who stole his money. As he finds her, he becomes like some guardian over her, and in his demented mind thinks of her as his dead wife who was killed by gangsters while he was working for them. All that time holding in his heart his beloved one, he manages to save another, and eventually dies from a gun wound in a shootout. Very gritty and depressing noir comic, with equally depressing artwork.


Great noir comic book by Brian Michael Bendis about bounty hunter Jinx and her encounter with petty criminal and his pal. She believes that he killed a cop but it was instead his girlfriend, and, confiding in one another, she tells him her own little secret, how she killed her childhood friend while he was attempting to pull a robbery in drugstore. By chance this criminal and his pal crash into automobile and dying man tells them about hidden stash of money if they help him to get to an ambulance. And when they finally arrive at car dump site and find the money they are ambushed by criminal ex-girlfriend with her goons, kill his partner and leave some cash to him and Jinx. Story is very good and dialogue feels natural and very much alive, and artwork is great with those almost photographic images of city streets, buildings, coupled with striking black and white close ups of faces and people.

Laura, Shadows Of A Summer (1979)

Very romantic and cool movie by famous photographer David Hamilton. Sculptor falls in love with daughter of her former girlfriend, ballet dancer as he sees her coming out of the seaside. Her mother takes nude photos of her for the sculptor but in the exhibition fire emerges and sculptor loses his eyesight. But nevertheless he manages to make love to her and finish her statue. There is perfect black and white sequence while ballet dancer dreams about him (great performance by Dawn Dunlop). Movie is full of great music and whatever can be said of David Hamilton, he was good artist and shouldn't be judged by his private affairs.

L'immoralità (1978)

Weird movie about sadistic child killer who finds sanctuary in house occupied by paraplegic husband, his adulterous wife and their daughter. Strange family, and as he hides in barn, police around the countryside are looking for him, but he soon befriends kids mother and beds her, thus gaining trust in her to not give him away. In the meantime killer on the run and frustrated wife contrive to kill her husband and take his money. Little daughter, perhaps only one innocent of them all, who helped the killer to hide, overheard that all and going to town to buy bullets for her father steals revolver from the gun shop. As the police grow more impatient with every minute, chief detective comes into the house and fucks with the adulterous mother while her husband dies of heart attack. Little kid, seeing them through the keyhole, opens up the door, kill the cop and then her mother. Finally she goes away from the house with the criminal and while he enters big bird cage in the open, shuts him up and kills him too. Beautifully shot movie with excellent score by Ennio Morricone. 

Death Occurred Last Night (1970)

Interesting spaghetti crime movie about killing of a prostitute and investigation by misogynistic police detectives who track down pimps, junkies and prostitutes. However, incompetent as they are, it took dead girl's father to find the killer who was living in the same house he was living in.

The Day Of The Owl (1968)

Adaptation of Leonardo Scascia novel, The Day Of The Owl takes place in Sicillian town where some truck driver is killed by the mafia. Local carabinieri is set to investigate the matter, but finds himself in tough spot when no one is revealing any information to him, and across his office in broad daylight group of gangsters are smiling at his perilous efforts. After awhile he is discarded from the investigation and replaced by more tolerant carabinieri. Damiano Damiani made a good movie from source material, and performance by Claudia Cardinale is very good. Maybe Scascia was right about mafia as anomie, when people are not even interested who's in power and what their ideals are.

Peter Rabe - Anatomy Of A Killer

Above average crime novel about unstable hitman working for the organization. When he goes to town on a job to kill retired gangster, he encounters waitress in a diner and falls in love with her and casing the place finds where target lives together with his bodyguard. Hitman pretends to be travelling salesman, but bodyguard see through him and attempt to kill him, but he get killed instead. Unfortunately, he fucks up the job with the gangster, believing he killed him, only later to find out that he's still alive, although in a coma, as he is informed at the meeting of the organization. His colleague Sandy and boss Meyer tells him that waitress is potential risk, and in his split personality decides to cling to poor girl, killing Sandy and giving his blood money to waitress to get out of town. Unfortunately, that is the end for him, as soon three killers closes on him and kill him. Very cold novel, with almost no human emotion in all characters, but at the same time somehow poetic.

Lionel White - Grave Undertaking

Lionel White was famous for his heist crime novels and their formula is always the same, just the details are different. Crooks plan to rob a bank, devise an elaborate plan for it, but something goes wrong and in in the end they kill each other because of the money, before police catch up with them. So it is with this novel where desperate undertaker teams up with two criminals, one of them a maniac, and a slut. They use dead alcoholic for their plan but his daughter turns up to find him so they abduct her. Two important movies were made based upon White's novels, The Killing (1956) and Night Of The Following Day (1969).

Saturday, January 20, 2024

E.X. Ferrars - Murder Among Friends

Coldest crime novel that I read so far, and in all those disgusting things people do to each other, my faith in humanity have become shattered, and I sincerely believe that this woman hated people. Sucessfull author of plays got killed in at party of his friends, and every one of them had some motive for killing him, because he was in no means innocent soul, driving his wife to suicide, and as it turns out, for everyone involved he had some intimate relationships. I can't stop thinking of myself as some poor wretched old lady who is deeply interested in despicable things people do to each other. Why was he killed by poker? From the beggining she is sentenced to death, and by sheer force Alice, an outsider to their affairs, is driven by some curiosity to find the culprit. And she finds her, a neurotic old lady who was jealous of accused girlfriend and in her twisted sick mind manages to kill poor man and put the blame on her, but her guilty conscience overwhelms her and eventually she kills herself by drinking a full bottle of barbiturates.

Backfire (1950)

Curious little B-film noir about patient in hospital who is recovering from back injury until some strange woman comes into his bedroom into hospital, rambling some nonsense. Soon after he is released police track him down about dissapearence of his friend who is accused of murder. After some investigations ex-patient is increasingly taken into twilight world where he can't dinstinguish reality from dreams, and in febrile atmosphere sense of unreality overwhelms him. Truck load of flash backs and fast forwards run through this odd piece of movie making, and there are some profoundly melancholy images that all good film noirs are well known for. But as it always happen, some very trivial things underlines all that, and that is pathological jealousy.

One Way Street (1950)

Another B-film noir which doesn't have much sense to it, but then again, which one have? Doctor (good role by James Mason) suddenly got involved with a band of thugs and stealing their money goes to Mexico with his girlfriend. Mean the while, Mobster (good role by Dan Dureya) and his cronies are pacing up and down in a hotel room, finding a way to track Doctor down while he is hiding in some god-forsaken village deep down in Mexico. Eventually after joyfull experience in mexican village, curing all those degenerate Mexicans, he decides to return to his hometown and set things straight. In a shootout everyone is killed, but Doctor remains alive, just to be killed by oncoming automobile. Nobody in this movie is innocent about anything, and some cynic would say they're bunch of people cut out from the rest of humanity, in other words, human garbage.

Jonny Stool Pidgeon (1949)

Minor B film noir about narcotics agent trying to expose drug smuggling ring with the help of convict (good role by Dan Dureya). Of course, by the very title of the movie, we can assume that Jonny Stool Pidgeon is in for a bad threat, from the moment he encounters narcotics agent in prison, and in brilliant scene where he enters into mortuary to find his son dead from a drug overdose. From that point things go downhill for Jonny, as the drug peddlers are closing in on them, sending cold-blooded killer to kill them. However, in some desperate attempt to save his soul Jonny Stool Pidgeon kills the hitman to save narcotics agent, but in the end he got killed instead. There is one particular memorable set piece when mobsters are digging a grave for Jonny only to realize it was their own hitman who must be burried. Someone may think if you watched a couple of these kind of movies you've seen them all, but it is in detail and and craftmanship that they never got old.

Joel Townsley Rogers - The Red Right Hand

This is classic piece of crime fiction which may be overlooked today. It is a haunting psychological thriller that delivers an unsettling an...