Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Criminal Vol. 4 : Bad Night

Long running series of crime comics by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips are well respected among comic book fanatics. This installment is particularly interesting as it tells a story of illustrator suffering from insomnia. As story unravels, dark secrets come into play, and it becomes obvious to the readers what happened to that man. Soon as he stumbles upon hot girl with her boyfriend, he slowly regain memory of what happened to him, and why that filthy cop is still chasing him so many years after his wife's accident and his time spent in mental institution. As it turns out, that same woman who came to his house to request from him to forge her boyfriend fake police ID was that same nurse in hospital who laughed at him while he was dozed out of his mind on heavy medication while in spare time working as strip dancer in some gritty club.

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